23 unexpected romantic gestures that your partner will love

March 2024 · 7 minute read

Sometimes all it takes is an unexpected act of romance to show someone how much you care.

Whether you're doing it as a grand declaration of love or want to give them a simple surprise, a romantic gesture will bring a smile to your partner's face. 

Here are 23 romantic gestures that your partner will appreciate.

Do the dishes or a chore that your significant other hates doing.

Doing dishes. Flickr / frozenpeas42

Find out whatever it is that they hate doing the most and do it for them. Even if it's just a one time thing, it'll mean the world that you've listened and remembered. 

Pick up the phone and give them a call instead of texting them.

Call, don't text. Matthew Kane/Unsplash

Have a long drive? Or a funny story about something that just happened to you? Pick up the phone and give your partner a ring.

In this day and age, they may be confused that you opted out of texting to actually talk, but they'll find it romantic when you explain that you just wanted to hear their voice. 

Make a plan instead of debating where to eat or what movie to see.

Plans don't need to be elaborate. Flickr/Erin Kelly

Sometimes it's nice not to think. Plan out a night that you know they'll love and save yourselves the time and annoyance of picking out where to go. 

Bring them back a souvenir from you trip.

It doesn't need to be expensive. Shutterstock

Whether you were gone on vacation or a work trip, bringing back a little something for your significant other will show them that you were thinking about them while away. 

Offer them the last bite.

Sharing is caring. Shutterstock

Whether you're splitting a side of fries or piece of cake, offering your partner the last bite will show them how much you care. After all, sharing is caring. 

Bring home their favorite meal for dinner.

Show them you are thinking of them. Too Good To Go

Do you know that they love that pasta dish from the restaurant down the street? Stop and pick some up for them (and you!) on your way home.

Surprise them with something nice if they've had a bad day.

Surprise them. Unsplash/Shamim Nakhai

Everybody has bad days. Maybe work was a bit rough or maybe they got some bad news. Either way, a nice bouquet of flowers or some of their favorite ice cream might make them smile, if only for a minute. 

Buy them something you know they're about to run out of.

Small gestures count. A. and I. Kruk/Shutterstock

If you see that they're about to run out of whatever makeup they use or food they always eat, stop by the store and pick some up for them or order it online.

It'll be nice for them not to worry about buying more and will show that you're paying attention to things that matter to them. 

Bring them their coffee in bed in the morning.

Coffee in bed is always a good idea. Unsplash/Sylwia Bartyzel

You don't have to do it everyday, but waking them up with a cup of coffee will help them start their morning on the right foot. 

Dress up once in a while.

Putting in effort shows you still care. Unsplash/Stephen Cook

If you've been dating for years, you know how easy it is to fall into a routine of just wearing your sweats around your significant other. Surprise them on your next date by wearing something special, even if it's something simple that you know they love to see you in.

Leave them little notes.

Who doesn't like finding notes? Shutterstock

Put a sticky note on the mirror telling them they look great. Or hide a scrap of paper that has "I love you" written on it in their pocket. It'll make their day when they see it.

Tag them in a meme.

It shows you're thinking of them. Andor Bujdoso/shutterstock

Tag them in a funny meme that you saw on Instagram or in a video on Facebook that reminds you of them. This will immediately bring a smile to their face.

Pack them a lunch one day.

Brownie points. Shutterstock

Make them their favorite sandwich or salad to take to work. If they're running late, this will definitely earn you brownie points. 

Take them to your favorite places.

Show them your favorite spots. matthewalmonroth/Flickr

Show them all the important places in your life, whether it's the restaurant your family always eats at in your hometown or your secret little spot around the corner.

Insist on starting a show together.

Watch TV together. Flickr / constructionpaperdays

Stick to your word and make sure that you don't skip ahead or watch any without each other. Committing to only watching "Game of Thrones" or "Stranger Things" when you're together is the definition of true love. 

Put a picture of the two of you up.

This will mean so much. Unsplash/Bench Accounting

Instagrams are nice, but if you take the time to print a picture and hang it up in your house or office, now that means something.

The second they notice it, we promise they'll melt. 

Share a secret family recipe with them.

Sharing is caring. Flickr/California Cow

When a big meal like Thanksgiving rolls around, give them a family recipe. This is a perfect way to let them know just important they are to you. After all, you don't just share grandma's top-secret ingredient with anyone! 

Tell them something you love about them

Put your feelings into specific words. Unsplash/Callie Morgan

If you’ve been together a while, you may think a standard "I love you" is good enough.

But putting it in context and telling them the exact things that you love about them will surprise them and let them know you truly appreciate them.

Pull them aside for a minute.

Take a cue from "The Bachelor" and steal them for a second. Vladimir Kudinov/Unsplash

Take a detour from your friends on the walk home, get some privacy at a party, or hole up in your room for a bit. Take an impromptu moment for the two of you to steal a kiss and share a laugh.

They'll be happy to know you want a moment for just the two of you. 

Let them off the hook.

Give them a break. Pixabay/StarFlames

Whether it's a dinner with your friends that they're just too tired for or something small they did that would ordinarily make you angry — let it go just this once. They'll love the relief and it will make you both happier overall.

Put in the extra effort with people they love.

Make good with the people in their lives. gpointstudio/Shutterstock

While you two might think you're on an island of love together, you both have other people that mean the world to you. 

By putting extra effort in with their people, you're doing them a favor. Offer to help their mom with some housework or send their best friend a "Congrats" card when they get a new job. It will mean the world to them and your partner. 

Let them know you're thinking about them.

Don't assume they know you're thinking of them. Unsplash/Alex Holyoake

Our lives are hectic and it's easy to assume that you and your partner can put things on hold when you're not in the same room. 

The next time you see them, let them know when they crossed your mind that day. Tell them a cute dog that you saw that they would have loved or a song that made you miss them. It will arm their hearts knowing they were on your mind. 

Try to read their emotions.

Pay attention to the little things. Unsplash/Tanja Heffner

The unhappy times may not seem like a time for romance, but it's actually the best time to let your feelings show. 

When something happens that you know will upset or anger your partner or you see in their face what they're thinking, let them know that you have a feeling they're feeling sad or mad and ask what you can do about it. 

Nothing is more romantic than knowing them well enough to pick up on these hints. 

Read the original article on INSIDER. Copyright 2017.

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