8 Banking Horror Stories That Will Outrage Consumers

March 2024 · 6 minute read

There's no shortage of tales about banks slamming their customers with hidden charges or horrific treatment from customer service.

In fact, according to the latest report from the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, the nation's big banks are losing out to smaller competitors in the face revenue challenges, increasing demands from regulators, and consumers' contempt for fees.  

We put out a call for people to share their most aggravating bank anecdotes. Here are some of the stories we received. 

Peggy got duped by a "Change in Terms"

Flickr/David Goehring

After marrying into a significant amount of debt, Peggy thought she was doing the "safe thing" when she accepted Chase's offer to pay off $20,000 worth of credit card debt at $500/month. Then, out of nowhere, Peggy received a letter that her monthly payment was going up to $900. 

When she called Chase, they told her that the "Change of Terms" was being applied to everyone.

To meet the new requirement, Peggy had to take $15,000 from her husband's 401K plan.

"It's a struggle and it shouldn't have been a struggle," she said.

Peggy is one member of a class action lawsuit against Chase filed by national litigation firm Girard Gibbs in July 2009 alleging that Chase increased monthly minimum payments on loans provided to over a million consumers. 

Erica Ramus' checks bounced after she made a large deposit

Erica Ramus used to have accounts at Wachovia, where she once made a large deposit. When Ramus asked the bank teller how long it would take for the funds to be available, she was told two days. She waited two days, then paid her bills. The checks bounced.

Ramus says that when she called the 800 number to inquire, they told her that large deposits may be held longer, at the discretion of the bank.

"So they gave me wrong information, charged me NSF fees and I had to reissue new checks to the vendors I had paid bills to," Ramus said in an email. "When I told the customer service rep that someone should have called me if there was a problem, the response was, 'We're too big of a bank to call our customers when there is a problem.'"

Ramus closed her accounts and moved to a smaller local bank. 

Paul Kapsar's closed account was re-opened—and then slammed with overdraft fees


When Bank of America announced it was going to add a $5/month ATM fee, Paul Kapsar decided it was time to switch banks.

The Las Vegas resident attempted to close his checking account at the teller, but learned it could only be done by his "personal banker." On the same day, a $66 request for payment arrived, overdrawing the account by $89. This included Bank of America's $35 overdraft fee. Because no bank will close an overdrawn checking account, Kapsar paid off the balance and closed the account for good—or so he thought.  

A customer service Representative told Kapsar that BofA has the option of reopening an account if a subsequent request for payment, electronic or check, is presented. Of course, when the request for payment is approved, they place a $35 fee on your account for an overdraft.

Kapsar's "closed" account is now $270 overdrawn.

Paul Guillaume's debit card was cancelled while he was on assignment in Afghanistan

wikipedia commons

Journalist Paul Guillaume was on assignment in Afghanistan when Wells Fargo cancelled his debit card.

"I was without food to eat, was under threat of being thrown in prison for non-payment of a hotel bill, and was told that my banker was unwilling to help because he didn't like my attitude," he said in an email.

It took Guillaume $6,000 and two months to get home, during which his journalism career was put on hold.

A California couple received a tough penalty for an early withdrawal from a certificate of deposit.

Wikimedia Commons

This story comes from a Certified Financial Planner in California:

"In January 2011, my clients explained that they planned to liquidate a $15,000 CD they held at Bank of America, which was earning less than 1%. They wanted to know whether the early surrender penalties would be prohibitive. At that time, we estimated that the early surrender penalty would be 3-6 months interest, which was customary for Bank of America. To be conservative, we agreed to use a maximum penalty of 12 months of interest, which meant the penalty would be no greater than $150.

Unfortunately, they contacted me shortly after the liquidation occurred to advise me the charge was nearly $540.

When I researched the issue, I discovered that BofA had changed its early withdrawal rules in February 2011 and now charges a flat $25, plus 1 percent of the amount withdrawn for CDs with terms under 12 months and 3% for longer terms.

I shared my findings with my clients, who could not find and who do not recall receiving any notices about the change. (They are among my most financially organized clients and keep nearly everything).

Although Don Vecchiarello, a BofA spokesman, told the Los Angeles Times that 'the new early-withdrawal policy was intended to simplify things for customers' and make the calculations easier, it actually made things a lot more expensive.

My clients moved the remainder of their accounts to a community bank."

Tilmon Brown's daughter ended up paying $71 for fries and a drink

Associated Press

Tilmon Brown's 18-year-old daughter only had a $1.68 balance in her checking account when she used her debit card to purchase an order of large fries and a drink for $4.32 at the local McDonald's. 

The bank charged her a $35 overdraft fee, plus $6 every day until she deposited her paycheck. The fees totaled $71. 

A customer service representative said there was nothing they could do the reverse the charges.  

Jason Kaminsky fell victim to ATM fees


Jason Kaminsky left Citizens Bank after accumulating over $150 in ATM fees for balance inquiries.

He joined TD Bankworth (now TD Bank) because they touted free ATM transactions on their basic checking accounts. 

In February 2011, TD Bank announced that its no-fee ATM policy would be ending and a $2 fee would be tacked on for using a non-TD ATM. 

Kaminsky was completely unaware of the change until he checked his Mint account and noticed all the charges he had racked up. 

John H.'s checks were processed out of order

Flickr/David Goehring

Two years ago, John H. and his wife both lost their businesses and ran through all their all savings and credit.

At the time, the couple didn't realize that banks could manipulate the sequence of when they paid checks, choosing to approve several small checks after a large check that may have come in first in order to maximize NSF charges ($30 per check).

After three months, John realized they had spent more than $1,000 per month in overdraft fees when their income was less than that amount.

John asked the bank to negotiate a reduced fee, but they refused. 

You think these stories are bad?

DON'T MISS: 14 Money Lies That'll Wreck Your Marriage >

Dina Spector is the managing editor at Business Insider UK. She is currently based in London. Read more Read less
