A film producer who robbed a bank in Florida after running out of money for a movie was jailed for 1

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

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A film producer was sentenced to 10 years in prison after he robbed a Florida bank branch in an attempt to finance a movie.

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Nacoe Ray Brown robbed the McCoy Federal Credit Union in Belle Isle last June, according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Middle District of Florida. 

Dressed in a baseball cap, sunglasses, a surgical-style facemask, and plastic gloves, 55-year-old Brown passed a note to the teller that claimed he had a gun and demanded money. He fled with almost $4,300 in cash.

A witness saw Brown in a nearby gas station where he changed into clothes he'd earlier stashed there. The Belle Isle Police Department was tipped off about Brown's movements and quickly tracked him to the hotel where he was staying.

Police found the note Brown showed to the bank employee and the stolen cash in his hotel room. They also located his disguise in the gas station restroom. He wasn't armed and no firearm was located during the search.

When he was arrested, Brown told authorities he was filming a move in Florida and had run out of money for the production.

Brown was on probation after being released from jail in 2020 for robbing three banks in Baltimore in 2001. He had been released on compassionate grounds during the pandemic, having served most of his 25-year sentence.

Brown pleaded guilty to the robbery in January. 

The 10-year sentence included eight years for the bank robbery and two years for breaking parole tied to previous bank heists.

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