Audible credits do expire here's what you need to know about your Audible credits and membership

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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If you have a membership with Audible, you get one new credit in your account each month. But what if you don't use those credits, or you already have a few racked up? What happens to those credits?

Check out the products mentioned in this article:

Audible Membership (From $45.00 at Amazon)

Audible credits do expire

Your Audible credits expire 12 months after they've been issued. So if you've had a random credit sitting in your account for a while, you may want to consider using it. (Or, if you don't have any audiobooks that you truly wish to listen to, you could instead consider giving an audiobook to someone else using the "Give as a gift" option when purchasing.)

You have the option to give an audiobook as a gift with credits. Devon Delfino/Business Insider

According to the company, the reason that credits expire at all is because they want to "strike a balance" between giving users flexibility to use their credits when they want to, and making sure to incentivise the creators behind the audiobooks since Audible only pays the creators royalties when a credit is redeemed for their products. 

This is not the only time when you'd lose your credits on the site, however. You would also lose any credits if you chose to cancel your membership — though the site may warn you about this prior to cancellation.

Ultimately, the best way to make sure you never lose credits, through expiration or cancellation, is to use them. After all, you've already paid for it.

Audible Gift Membership (3 Months) Shop at Amazon External link Arrow An arrow icon, indicating this redirects the user."

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Devon Delfino is a Brooklyn-based freelance journalist specializing in personal finance, culture, politics, and identity. Her work has been featured in publications such as The Los Angeles Times, Teen Vogue, Business Insider, and CNBC. Follow her on Twitter at @devondelfino. Read more Read less
