Best Frozen Mozzarella Sticks From Grocery Store + Photos

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

Market Pantry's mozzarella sticks were flavorful but we had to eat them fast.

Target's mozzarella sticks stayed together nicely. Su-Jit Lin for Insider

Target's only contender was from its basic, budget-brand umbrella, so we didn't expect this to be much better than Walmart's Great Value.

Out of the box, these were on the longer, thinner side, on par with Publix's mozzarella sticks, and browned to a deeper, more orangey hue than their counterparts. 

After being heated, the sticks were dry and crumbly to the touch, but we noticed them sizzling in oil as they baked.  Although the oil was reabsorbed pretty quickly, it left a greasy taste that kind of clung to our mouths.

The breading had an oregano-forward Italian herbs flavor, a pleasant surprise considering the stick's monochrome appearance.

The first bite felt and tasted like string cheese. It stayed quite solid since the deep-fried shell absorbed most of the heat and it didn't get as hot as some of the other sticks we tried.

Overall, the sticks were crunchy and held their form well. Of the brands we tried, these kept the cheese securely in their shells the best. 

These are best enjoyed right after they're heated up. Once cooled, their texture got spongey and grainy and the cheese developed a stale, milky taste. 
