Here's What Google, Craigslist, And Other Websites Are Doing To Protest SOPA

June 2024 · 1 minute read

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Google has put a black censorship bar over the logo on its home page to protest SOPA, the proposed anti-piracy law that many prominent techies say would censor the web unfairly.

Here's what it looks like:


Yesterday, Google said it would put up a link guiding users to find out more about SOPA — it did, and here's where that link leads — but the black bar is a surprise. It should definitely draw attention.

Other prominent sites that changed right at midnight ET include Craigslist:


Wikipedia screenshot

And Wordpress, which did this:


A bunch of other sites are planning to go dark or change their sites during the day tomorrow, including Cheezburger network, Mozilla, and TwitPic.

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