How Jack In The Box Is Able To Serve Breakfast All Day

May 2024 ยท 2 minute read

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Courtesy Jack In The Box

McDonald's has made little progress in serving Egg McMuffins and hashbrowns after 10:30 a.m. 

Meanwhile, fast food chain Jack In The Box has served breakfast all day for more than 20 years. 

How does Jack In The Box do it?

"All of our operations evolved around being able to serve items all day," Iwona Alter, vice president of menu innovation, told Business Insider. "Everything on our menu is streamlined and overlaps around that philosophy." 

For instance, Jack In The Box uses the same toasted bread for egg breakfast sandwiches and turkey cheddar melts. The company also uses grills and fryers with the capacity to cook both items, Alter said. 

McDonald's has said that grill and frying spaces are limited in restaurants, so workers have to shut down breakfast at 10:30 in order to make room for burgers and fries. 

Jack In The Box also offers about half the menu items McDonald's does, making it easier to serve all menu items at all hours.

If McDonald's wanted to serve breakfast all day, it would have to streamline its menu, Scott Hume at told Business Insider last year. The chain does offer some breakfast items at night under its "McDonald's After Midnight" menu. 

"The 'McDonald's After Midnight' menu works when customer traffic is light," Hume told us. "But it wouldn't work all day because it requires streamlining both breakfast and burger menus to a few all-star items."

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