Morgan Stanley has promoted 155 employees to managing director, its highest rank

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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Morgan Stanley has a fresh CEO to start 2024, and now it's got a fresh crop of managing directors as well.

The investment bank on Wednesday announced details internally about its newest class of MDs, the firm's highest rank outside the C-suite. The firm elevated 155 employees to the coveted title, according to a person briefed on the announcement, a prestigious accomplishment that is often the reward of more than a decade of intense dedication and strong performance.

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The bank has yet to release the names of the employees it promoted to MD, which it usually announces the following week.

The average MD has been at the bank for 11 years and more than a third have advanced degrees, according to the announcement. Many of the promotes joined Morgan Stanley as junior employees, as did CEO Ted Pick, who joined the firm as an analyst in 1990 and this month took the reins from James Gorman. Nearly half of this year's group joined the firm below the VP level.

The 2024 class is smaller than last year's group of 184 and the smallest in five years. The bank promoted 199 in 2022, a year of blowout performance across Wall Street.

In 2021, the firm promoted 171 MDs, up from the 130 in 2020.

Here's the breakdown of the new class:

Morgan Stanley started communicating year-end comp to employees on Wednesday and is set to report earnings on Tuesday the 16th.

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