Rory McIlroy explains why adding 20 pounds of muscle is good for his game and the sport of golf

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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Rory McIlroy has become one of the fittest and strongest golfers in the world. In an interview on "The Dan Patrick Show," he explained that it's not only good for him but may also be good for the sport of golf as a whole.

Since 2010, McIlroy has dropped his body fat percentage from 24% to 10% and has added 20 pounds of muscle.

His newfound fitness regimen — McIlroy works out five times a week, 90 minutes a day — has reminded many of Tiger Woods. It also helped McIlroy become the first golfer to appear on the cover of Men's Health magazine.

—Rory Mcilroy (@McIlroyRory) April 2, 2015

The comparison to Woods has raised red flags for many since Woods has seen his success on the course decline in recent years as he has battled a number of injuries. The injuries have led to rampant speculation that the extra muscle Woods added to his frame has hurt his game.

McIlroy was a guest on "The Dan Patrick Show" and defended his added size.

"I think golf has progressed, it has become more of an athletic sport," McIlroy said. "When you look at some of the moves guys make at the ball, you need to be strong in certain areas. You don't need to be built like a linebacker but you need to have stability and strength in certain areas in your body."

According to McIlroy, the benefits of more athletic-looking golfers transcend the course. When he was asked how much of a golfer's look is "vanity" and the desire to look athletic, McIlroy says that it helps the sport's image and credited Woods for changing the perception.

"If more golfers look athletic, it portrays a much better image for the game," McIlroy told Patrick. "That encourages kids to maybe pick up the sport or pick up a club and maybe it encourages parents to get them into golfing as well. Because maybe 15-20 years ago the image of golf wasn't athletic, it wasn't the way it is now and Tiger has changed that. If you look at some of the younger guys, the look is much different. I think that is a great thing for golf."

One of those who has been critical of McIlroy's new physique is legendary golf coach Butch Harmon, who worried aloud that "you can almost hurt yourself in the gym if you get too bulky."

However, Gary Player, a legendary fitness buff himself has defended McIlroy in the most succinct way possible.

—Gary Player (@garyplayer) April 2, 2015

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