This graphic showing how cookies can go wrong is proof you need to be precise when baking

March 2024 · 4 minute read

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As a self-proclaimed member of the amateur bakers club, I set out to map all the possible ways a simple batch of chocolate-chip cookies could go wrong.

I used a single recipe — the one you can find on the packet of Nestlé Toll House chocolate chips — to make 10 types of cookies, deliberately making a different mistake with each batch to see what would happen. I broke it all down with a description of how the taste and texture of the cookies were affected by each error.

I started by looking into the most common mistakes people make when baking, and recorded what happened as I went.

Mistakes included:

Here's how the cookies turned out with each of those missteps (you can click on the image below to make it larger):

Adding too much or too little of an ingredient can make all the difference. Rachel Askinasi/Insider

Typically when I'm making something on assignment, I'll bring the extras into the office for my coworkers to enjoy — and to comment on, of course. But, under the circumstances, I'm currently isolated in a house with four other people (two are children under the age of 10, so they were actually a big help here), so I knew we'd have way more cookies than we could possibly eat. 

To cut down on excess and minimize food waste — and cookie intake — I decided to quarter the recipe for each batch. That meant instead of using 22.5 total cups of flour, I used around 5.5 cups. And instead of 20 eggs, I used around 11.

They each looked so different. Rachel Askinasi/Insider

There were a few mess-ups — like when I used baking powder instead of baking soda and when I mixed all the ingredients together at once — that, admittedly, I would be annoyed if I made again.

But, after making 10 different types of cookies through this trial and error process, I stand by my opinion that some of these variations are actually better than the way they're supposed to turn out. To my surprise, I found that the cookies short on flour were my favorite, and had a delicious crispy texture.

Ultimately, the lesson I learned here is not to be discouraged! Sometimes the greatest discoveries come out of ambitious people making mistakes along the way.

Read the full story to find out how every cookie tasted here >

Insider has more baking experiments like this in the works. Send suggestions for baked goods you would like to see us try to

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